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十二月快乐,比利肯家庭! In this edition of the Billiken Bulletin, we introduce Donney Moroney, who oversees our Saint Louis University 迪安 of Students Office. 迪安 Moroney和她的员工在合作的过程中为博彩网址大全的学生提供多种支持 与教职员工和管理人员. 

当你的学生从寒假回来时,他们也会为室友做准备 并考虑他们是否想在住房和住房方面获得更多经验 居住生活. Soon, the Housing and 居住生活 team will advertise for resident 顾问就业机会. Compliments of 大学生的父母, we are providing 一篇文章,给出你的比利肯应该考虑的背景和信息 if they are interested in taking on that impactful role.


Donney Moroney, 博彩网址大全学生事务主任

学生事务主任唐尼·马罗尼你能分享一下你自己吗,你来自哪里,你是如何进入高等学府的 教育?

作为一个过度投入的大学生,我有幸受到各种各样的人的指导 学生事务专业人员. They supported and challenged me to become the best 这对我的学业成功和个人成长很有帮助 在大学期间. Once I graduated, I wanted to use my undergraduate degree to help 其他大学生达到了他们的目标,所以我开始在不同的大学工作 support services, including advising, career services, events programming, alumni relations, multicultural affairs and international services. 我拿到了硕士学位 我获得了咨询专业的学位,专攻学生学院的人事工作 on my doctoral degree in higher 教育 leadership.

Why were you interested in 博彩网址大全 and taking on the role of dean of students?

博彩网址大全吸引我的是它的使命驱动和以学生为中心的高等教育方法 根植于耶稣会传统的教育. 我想用我的技能,知识和 体验成为一个致力于全面发展的大学社区的一部分 在智力上,道德上,精神上,对学生产生积极的影响 我们的全球化社会. As the dean of students, I often am called to support students 以及处于危机中的家庭. However, I also have the pleasure of working with student 领导和支持学生在博彩网址大全学习直至毕业. 这是我与学生、教师和工作人员建立的关系 这项工作很有价值.

你能解释一下学生主任办公室是什么以及它是如何联系的吗 students, families, faculty/staff and community members?

学生办公室的成立是为了帮助博彩网址大全的学生在伊格纳爵的标志 of 看台personalis,意思是关心整个人. We strive to assist students and their families 通过促进健康的思想,身体和 精神. Our services aim to ensure our students can grow as empowered global citizens 谁会根据自己的激情和目标做出深思熟虑的、公正的选择.

We do this by supporting students in distress and crisis; providing referrals to students and families to 博彩网址大全 campus resources; sending academic notifications on behalf of students experiencing emergencies; engaging parents and families in support of their students; and helping students reflect on significant development transitions and 挑战.

你还管理哪些领域? 你们是如何互相支持的?

The 迪安 of Students Office also oversees the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources (CADR)和 Office of Student Responsibility and Community Standards (OSRCS). CADR is focused on providing accommodations for students with temporary or long-term disabilities so that they can be academically successful. OSRCS是 负责让学生负起责任,维护教育环境 有利于全民学习. This is accomplished through 教育al initiatives and restorative justice that prioritizes learning and long-term success.

What is your vision for the 迪安 of Students Office in the next three years?

我对教务处的愿景是确保每个博彩网址大全学生都能得到帮助 支持和关心成为他们被召唤成为的人,在内心出类拔萃 在课堂之外,专注于对我们的社会产生积极影响. 当他们专注于此时,如果他们遇到陷阱,他们知道可用的资源 让他们重回正轨.

The 迪安 of Students Office can be reached at:
20 N. 大大街. 
St. 路易斯,密苏里州63103 


Make an Appointment with the 迪安 of Students Office

办公时间:上午8:30.m.-5 p.m.,星期一至星期五

Is Your Billiken Thinking 关于 Becoming a Resident Advisor?

Here Are Some Important Things to Consider First 

贴在 CollegiateParent.com 

博彩网址大全住房和住宿生活部将很快发布新的住宿顾问职位的广告 (some schools call them residential assistants) in the respective jobs. 住宅 工作人员在很大程度上依赖这些学生帮助他们完成在博彩网址大全的过渡 建立社区. 大学生的父母是一个为有学生上大学的家庭提供服务的网站 what your student should consider when applying for these positions. 

如果你的比利肯想了解更多关于这些机会,请联系 the Housing and 居住生活 staff at 314-977-2811 or email reslife@chertok-film.com. Applications will be released soon and accepted from December 1-January 5.

Three students play in a flurry of bubbles through the air.


从外部看,成为博彩网址大全宿舍的住宿顾问(RA) 看起来像是一份轻松的工作. A student gets free room and board, which is a substantial 价值. They walk around the building, create bulletin boards, interact with their 的同学. 很简单,对吧?

作为一名助理是一份很棒的校园工作和简历,并提供了很好的生活经验. 然而,随之而来的是学生和家长的义务和责任 可能还没有考虑过.



RAs are peer leaders hired to enforce policies. RA培训涉及许多政策 and procedures your student needs to understand to do their job well.

培训通常在入职培训和入住前一周同时进行 与建筑准备,可以从四到六个小时为三到五天 一个星期. Training may take place throughout the school year, based on arising issues that may cause the need for policy changes or refresher training.


RA staff must return to campus early to prepare for residents’ arrival. 末离职 happen due to break inspections and semester closings. 这意味着个人休息 学生在规划暑期就业、家庭时必须考虑哪些因素 假期等.


Some situations can be very stressful for RAs. 我称我的RA员工为“Res Life First” “急救员”,因为急救员是在困难情况下第一个遇到住院医生的员工. 员工会遇到心理健康危机、毒品问题、室友冲突、盗窃、想家、 清洁习惯差 ... if you can imagine it, they'll be witnessing it.

RAs cannot run from these situations; they must put their training into action until 更高级别的工作人员前来协助.


对于RAs来说,很难平衡让同行负责的义务 policy violations with being a student themselves. 让同事承担责任 包括开会讨论行为,以及恢复性司法后果,比如 writing a letter of apology, reimbursement for a broken or stolen item, etc. 当 居民被追究责任,这可能会破坏友谊或给RA带来声誉 作为一个不能被信任的人. People can be hard on each other, an RA must 有坚韧的皮肤来做这项工作.

注册会计师的职位回报丰厚,而且有很多机会发展领导技能. 也会有很多有趣的时光. 然而,你的学生应该了解所有 aspects of the resident advisor job before applying.

感兴趣的学生可以与现任RAs交谈,在YouTube或TikTok上搜索视频 hear from current and former RAs, even watch training videos. 之前的研究 申请将给你一个全面的了解,并帮助你的学生决定是否成为一名学生 RA.

Billiken 家庭, Did You Attend Fall Welcome 2023?

This is the Last Opportunity to Share Your Feedback!

博彩网址大全大一或大二新生的比利肯家庭:我们想 hear from you about how we can improve the experience for future families. 如果你 欢迎今年八月的到来,让我们知道你喜欢什么或提供任何反馈 博彩网址大全如何改进. 我们的调查只需要五分钟.


博彩网址大全 students giving high fives to the Billiken

你知道吗?? 博彩网址大全搬迁时,大学的整个业务都定位了 在杜堡大厅. This included classrooms, labs, a museum, a library and residences.


*Another friendly reminder that the FAFSA form will be available in December 2023. Please follow up with these websites for the latest updates:


  • 第一代星期五
  • First round of spring housing assignments released at 10 a.m.

12月9日: 四方广场的圣诞节 下午5点开始.m.
12月11日:饼干和可可,3-5点.m. sponsored by BPFA (Billiken Parent and Family Association) for students, north lobby of Busch Student Center

  • 光明节结束
  • Residence halls and most buildings close at 8 p.m. 以下建筑物将保留 休息期间开放:Griesedieck Complex, Marguerite Hall, Spring Hall和所有公寓 复合物. Residents must vacate closed buildings by 8 p.m.

December 18: Winter Break and Winter Session classes begin 
1月10日:经济援助101,这个演讲是为即将到来的家庭准备的 家庭和博彩网址大全学生.
1月12日:寒假结束. 这些建筑在上午10点重新开放.m. 春季入住开始了 for students new to housing and students returning from abroad.




2月19日 & 22:在线选择流程


2月. 26日:合同生效

  • Detailed instructions will be provided closer to spring semester.
  • 请注意,房屋分配不是由合同的顺序决定的 提交. To ensure fairness and equal opportunity for all students, assignments 是通过随机过程产生的吗.

If a Student Has Open Space in Their Res Hall Room/Suite or Apartment

  • Students may only use their set of furniture and space within the room.
  • The space should be ready for a new student to move in at any time.
  • Taking over extra space may result in paying for its use.


  • 博彩网址大全住房合同涵盖两个学期.
  • Spring housing bills will be applied on December 10.
  • 春季学期不返回博彩网址大全的学生必须完成合同解除 表格提交至杜堡厅157室.
  • Graduating and study abroad students do not need a contract release form.
  • Instructions on how to prepare living spaces before the winter break are coming.


2023-24 Student Handbook for all 博彩网址大全 Students




